Using Talent Market Intelligence to Address Turnover

Situation: curiosity about retail employee turnover
A retail company that sells RVs, camping equipment & other outdoor gear, wanted to expand their footprint nationwide and was acquiring small companies in support of that goal. One of the challenges uncovered during the due diligence phase of the acquisition process was the employee turnover their target acquires were experiencing. Knowing they needed to better understand what was driving the turnover and wanting to have a plan in place to address it once the acquisition was completed, they turned to Advanced RPO for talent market research and insights.

Solution: Talent market intelligence provides data and visibility
Our client identified a dozen key markets throughout the U.S. where the prospective acquiree was struggling with employee turnover. For each identified market, we conducted a thorough talent market analysis including the total available talent, competitors for the talent, pay ranges, reviews of our client as an employer, and much more. This data gave the client visibility into the market factors contributing to turnover in each location and the financial impacts related to right-sizing pay rates where necessary.

Results: informed, data-driven decision making
We delivered customized talent market intelligence recommendations for each market which included a summary of the challenges and opportunities and where the client should focus their efforts to improve their chances of retaining existing employees and attracting new ones. This gave our client the confidence heading into the acquisition that they had a plan to address the turnover.